
Mike Sanchez
Project Outline
Spring Term ‘11

Luchad’Oregonians (Working Title)

Growing up in a Hispanic household, I watched my fair share of Spanish soap operas and variety shows. However, nothing captivated me quite like Mexican wrestling, also known as Lucha Libre, where the wrestlers are called Luchadores. This term project will focus on the connections between Hispanic and American culture. I plan to create multiple Luchador masks and document them as used by working class Oregonians. In documenting these masks, I hope to show how old traditions held by Mexican Americans are still alive and strong today.

To create four stylized masks to be worn and documented. The masks will be nylon or lycra material. Each exterior design will be made using Adobe Illustrator, then using a laser cutter to precisely cut out a design on felt or colored leather. The designs will then be stitched to the masks.

Production Timeline:

Week 2
Obtain Materials

Week 3
Work on Designs
Practice sewing
Work with laser cutter

Week 4
Finalize Designs
Print out designs on felt

Week 5
Sew designs to sample fabric
Choose four designs to place on masks

Week 6
Use laser cutter to make designs
Begin sewing designs to masks

Week 7
Continue sewing designs to masks
Start photographic documentation

Week 8
Construct presentation from wood

Week 9


  1. Your project sounds deeply meaningful to you as well to our culture and society as a whole. I look forward to see how you will materializing the great design idea. I hope you will dig deep in to your cultural tradition and incorporate unique visual elements (colors, symbols, decorative patterns etc...) in to your mask design.

  2. This project sounds great, making your own masks will be a good challenge to put together, but will be entertaining to see on people working.

  3. Exploring your heritage and celebrating it through art is a great idea. I find the masks really interesting, and would like to know more about the elements involved in the designs. Do they each have a specific meaning to the person wearing it, or are they mainly for decorative purposes only.

  4. I love this idea. I think that these masks will be most successful if they all carry some of the same elements. Make them look like they belong together. Use the style that you see in the traditional masks, but put something of your own in there.

  5. This is a fantastic idea. It's going to be really cool to see it all come to life. Very well thought out so far.

  6. This is different. Incorporating something that hits close to home definitely has greater impact on the audience overall. I am excited for the final product. You should make a video, or since you are a electrical engineer maybe you can make robots play wrestling while they wear the masks and speedo. Just an idea.

  7. im planning on photo documenting the process, not sure if im up for editing a video documentary, i need to get my stuff done first then worry about how ill show it off.
